Blog Posts
Is your home page hurting your business?
Did you ever meet someone you didn't like? Maybe at first impression he rubbed you the wrong way or said something so distasteful you immediately formed a negative opinion.
I want a website. How much will it cost?
Could different business types quote prospective customers before understanding their specific needs? I wanted to know how others managed this difficult question.
Archives >Announcements
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Archives >Customer Breakthroughs
Google AdWords Management helps save company $500,000 in 1 year
After 1 year of routine campaign management, spending only 4 - 5 hours per month, we improved all metrics (average position, click through rate, cost per lead, and click conversion rate).
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All website lead capture and sales problems can be categorized one of two ways:
- The wrong type, or lack of website visitors
- Poor or no website salesmanship
Most websites need help with both. From conversion rate improvements to usability consulting, we have a service or consultant who can help. Scroll down to explore our website help services and website help products.
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Blog Posts
Is your home page hurting your business?
Did you ever meet someone you didn't like? Maybe at first impression he rubbed you the wrong way or said something so distasteful you immediately formed a negative opinion.
I want a website. How much will it cost?
Could different business types quote prospective customers before understanding their specific needs? I wanted to know how others managed this difficult question.
Archives >Announcements
No announcements.
Archives >Customer Breakthroughs
Google AdWords Management helps save company $500,000 in 1 year
After 1 year of routine campaign management, spending only 4 - 5 hours per month, we improved all metrics (average position, click through rate, cost per lead, and click conversion rate).