Controlling website user behavior is as easy as fishing with the right bait in a crystal-clear pond.
Follow this methodology to analyze user behavior, identify strengths vs.weaknesses, and evaluate the impact of your Website.
Did you ever meet someone you didn't like? Maybe at first impression he rubbed you the wrong way or said something so distasteful you immediately formed a negative opinion.
She told me her website had over 84,000 hits and nearly knocked me over with enthusiasm. I was stunned because all that hard work deserves a better measurement system.
Consumer psychology is loosely defined as understanding how consumers think, feel, justify, and decide among purchase alternatives. A website can be a powerful tool used to influence that decision.
Could different business types quote prospective customers before understanding their specific needs? I wanted to know how others managed this difficult question.
Let's look at the different components that affect website investment size. There are 4 basic cost types, all of which have many interdependencies.
Sun-Tzu would have gathered incredible amounts of competitive intelligence from the comfort of his corner-stoned office.
Once in a while you'll find an unfamiliar referring page inside your analytics report. Simply follow the link back to investigate. But what about the "no referrer" or "unknown referrer"?