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Custom Website Development

We specialize in building websites that encourage leads and capture immediate sales.

Most buying decisions start with a website visit. Does your website influence that decision? Does it convert more than 7% of its traffic into leads or sales?

If not, contact us now, or call Rick Costello's direct line at 1 (630) 788-9969 to further discuss.

Using the following web technologies, we specialize in building custom software that helps businesses sell more product, capture more leads, streamline supply chain procedures, automate clerical tasks, and operate more profitably.

Here are a few of the features included in our custom website development software projects:

  1. Basic Features: All our custom website development projects includes these standard website features; customizable product and service category menus, search engine friendly urls, social media button integration, back-end management for a home page image slider, video player, and FAQ management, as well as basic sales and lead capture reporting.

    Standard eCommerce features include; exact match keyword search, user friendly shopping cart and 3-click checkout process, featured products, product review with star rating system, and order reporting.

  2. Advanced Search Features: Keyword Search bar includes modern search technologies:

    a) Search Refinements tools (material, origin, price, etc.) plus “best” vs. “related match” search logic results.

    b) Customizable keyword search mapping: Includes the ability to map common misspellings to the correct spelling. (ie. Porcelan = Porcelain, Japaneese = Japanese).

    c) Includes an “auto spell” database feature comparable to how Google finishes common search queries in real time.

    The website remembers, then alphabetizes past searches as a user searches via keyword. It does not include Google’s page rendering ability, just the text to populate in the keyword text field so the user can then click the keyword, which then triggers the search button event.

    e) Includes a search query report log: Since the website stores this data, we enable backend reporting so admins can understand what users are actually searching for on the website. Includes report by date range, track quantity/occurrences within a report period, and export to excel function. This is great for understanding what visitors are looking for, but perhaps not buying.

  3. Customer Registration: Includes the ability for members to register, save order history and create shopping wish lists (a great tool for lead list building).

  4. Product Pages: Includes the ability for customers to leave reviews (also includes review screening and admin management tools for editing, deleting spam or unfavorable reviews), add to wish list, search “goes with” or and related products.

  5. New & Clearance Products: Includes the ability for admins to label products “new,” which also automatically renders a “new” graphic and files that product to the “what’s new” section. Also includes smart logic that automatically labels any newly added product as such for 3 months. Same for clearance products when manually labeled.

  6. Best Selling Products: Features the system’s best-selling products based on 30 days qty sold across all channels (your website, Amazon, eBay).

  7. Shipping Estimates: Integrates with UPS Wordship accounts to generate real time quotes based on customer zip code and the UPS negotiated rates. Note: This feature requires both physical and DIM weight values at the product level and will be either imported from the existing product database or entered manually by the customer.

  8. Shopping Cart and Credit Card Processing: Includes a streamlined 3-click checkout process, integrated with Authorize.Net and PayPal payments, allows for either registered member or guest checkout, and includes a customizable minimum order threshold rule, defaulted at $25 or more.

  9. Built in Smart Email Marketing: Includes the ability to send each customer a personalized email and log the dialog at the customer profile level. Also includes the ability for marketing managers to run reports on visitors who have joined the “discount alert list” at the product level, as well as blast personalized promotional emails with incentives to each recipient for those same products. This tactic alone will help increase sales.

  10. Multiple Languages: Includes one main Language (English) and two additional languages (ie. Chinese, Japanese, etc.). Product database and three language character sets and must be managed by the admin. A drop down menu will be available on each page to translate the page. English character sets will be used as the default when a second language character set for a particular language is not present in the database.

  11. eCommerce Store Management: Includes ability for admins to manage basic shipping settings, user roles and privileges to create multiple admins granting access to certain management areas, the ability to create and manage website coupon codes, tax settings and customize email templates (order, alert list subscription, etc.), as well as manage product categories and sub categories. 100% flexible.

  12. Product Management: Includes the ability to manage product status (in stock, back ordered w/ # of days on back order), discontinued, call for pricing, etc. which also triggers conditional button behaviors on the website front end. (ie. back order products render an inactive add to cart button to prevent ordering, and out of stock status renders “request email alert” buttons).

  13. POS Order Desk: Includes ability for sales staff to look up customers by phone number, email, name, etc., look up customer order history, create a new order, search and add items to the new order, specify shipping option (including no shipping/customer pickup), specify a payment method (PayPal, cash, manually swiped credit card, etc.), save the order (for future processing), as well as process refunds back onto the credit card, issue manageable store credit currency, or company check. Note: store credit can eventually evolve into features for selling gift cards.

  14. Order Management: Includes ability to recognize new unprinted pick ticket orders, batch pick tickets and invoices, as well as provide the ability to send UPS tracking numbers to customers efficiently.

  15. Delayed Order Processing: With capturing only a credit card preauthorization, the system will provide the ability to update quantity, split quantities for back order, append items to an existing order, apply an admin discount, and/or remove a website coupon code discount all prior to fulfillment using CIM tokenization. Note: This often results in charging the customer a lower amount than they agreed to during online purchase, or yields an additional transaction on their credit card. Billing terms and conditions should be adjusted accordingly. These features may not fit all business fulfillment models.

  16. Returns & Exchanges: Includes the ability to process, track, and automatically log returns and exchanges, which also auto updates inventory.

  17. Inventory Management Includes:

    a) Single product inventory quantity management control;

    b) An “off-the-truck” manifest batch upload feature that outputs a “Back Orders Waiting to be Fulfilled” report that automatically changes order status at the order level so the order originator knows which new pick tickets to print. 100% proactive and streamlined;

    c) Inventory threshold reporting so admins can stay ahead of depleting inventory. This includes customizable backend reports, as well as nightly auto emails sent to procurement managers.

  18. Third Party Order Management: Includes the ability to enter, track, report and sync inventory for products sold on Amazon and eBay.

  19. Sales Reporting: Includes a sales reporting dashboard to gauge best-selling products, best-selling channels (your website, Amazon, eBay, etc.), top selling states within the US.

If you need more help validating our capabilities, feel free to dialog with our current and past customers or contact Rick Costello directly via email; or call 1 (630) 788-9969 (8 am - 5 pm CST) and fire-off your toughest question.

If you need more time to think about it, subscribe to our newsletter and wait for special discounts, limited promotions and new articles. Don't decide until you're absolutely convinced that it's the best thing for you.

Contact us when you're ready.

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