Website Profit Doctors launch its new company website
Our new fully responsive, multi-device compatible website is here.
Archives >Customer Breakthroughs
Google AdWords Management helps save company $500,000 in 1 year
After 1 year of routine campaign management, spending only 4 - 5 hours per month, we improved all metrics (average position, click through rate, cost per lead, and click conversion rate).
Website traffic reports and demystifying the "single access page" metric
Picture this...
Sales are down, the economy is not getting any better, and you're prepared to do whatever it takes to make a sale. (Sound familiar?) A potential customer in the market to buy your service has agreed to meet for a cup of coffee. Eureka!
You know exactly what she wants and how to deliver. There's absolutely no way she can say no. Even if she tries, you're prepared to overcome every buying objection and pelt her with benefits and successful case studies.
Show time
The day of the meeting, you feel great and are ready to present an offer she can't refuse. You arrive at the coffee house 10 minutes early to collect your thoughts.
This is it. She's here...
As you extend a hand to greet her, she gives you a once-over, turns around, heads for the door, and quickly walks out.
Holy Toledo -not again! That's the twelfth time this week. Something is seriously wrong with your first impression.
Pop quiz
What do you do?
a. ignore it, pretend it's not happening, and wait for the next opportunity
b. immediately figure out and resolve the problem
I assume you answered b; immediately figure out and resolve the problem. If not, you'd soon find yourself among the unemployed.
Parallels to a website
The same scenario is happening on your website right now. It's been going on since the day you launched the site, and will continue until the problem is resolved. In fact, most websites lose 80% of its visitors during the first impression (home page). Potential customers simply give it a once over and leave.
Ignorance is bliss
Dare I draw a deeper parallel? Imagine your prospect walking in again, and instead of rising from your chair to shake hands with a greeting, you remain seated reviewing your notes and say:
"Loading.... Please wait."
She stands there stupefied and insulted, to which you repeat:
"Loading.... Please wait."
Sorry Charlie, she's gone. Think she'll ever meet you for coffee again?
How to measure these lost opportunities
Grab your website traffic reports and locate the area called "single access pages." This metric is loosely defined as the number of times a visitor enters and exits a particular page without viewing another. Or in simpler terms, she enters and leaves before clicking through to another page.
How often does this happen on your site -- or on the home page? Once? Twice? Depending on your traffic volume, it probably happens thousands of times each month.
Putting the numbers in perspective
The best way to determine if your single access page volume is high, low, good, or bad is to compare it against the total number of visitors who entered on that page. Metric: "Entry pages."
For example, if 789 visitors entered your website on the home page, and 651 failed to click beyond it (read: single access page), the page is only 17.5% effective ((789-651)/789 = 17.5).
We have a well-crafted, relevant, industry standard term for these types of pages. We say they suck.
Pop quiz
What will you do?
a. ignore it, pretend it's not happening, and wait for the next opportunity
b. immediately figure out and resolve the problem
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The Website Profit Doctors are a Chicago Area Website Help Company who can transform your “information only” website into a profitable customer acquisition tool.
Primary website help services include: Website Improvements, Website Redesigns & Makeovers, Custom Website Development, Responsive Website Development, Google AdWords Advertising, Bing Ads Advertising, Google Analytics Set Up, Strategic Planning & Coaching, Competitive Intelligence & Research, Purchase Process Assessments, Lead Capture Assessments, Website Maintenance & Support Packages.
Primary website help products include: Small Business eCommerce Website, Small Business Blog Website, Small Business Website.
Blog information and opinions herein reflect the most accurate information at the time of publication and are subject to change. Readers are free to forward this article in its entirety, but may not sell, barter or leverage it for commercial profit or gain.
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Website Profit Doctors launch its new company website
Our new fully responsive, multi-device compatible website is here.
Archives >Customer Breakthroughs
Google AdWords Management helps save company $500,000 in 1 year
After 1 year of routine campaign management, spending only 4 - 5 hours per month, we improved all metrics (average position, click through rate, cost per lead, and click conversion rate).