For low budget research, my recommendations were simple. Talk with prospective customers and talk with current customers. If you ask the right questions, they'll provide your research.
Let's take a closer look at analyzing a competitor's Unique Selling Proposition (USP), entry page download time, communicated credibility and how these elements affect the buying decision.
Millions of companies across the globe invested in web technology without a measurement plan. Let's learn from these mistakes.
A good website is one that constantly exceeds its targets and expectations. If a website has no objectives or expectations, then the interpretation of "good" is opinion.
Can technology and automation ever do business harm? Absolutely. When misused, email auto-responder technology can wreak havoc on your business.
After announcing a common consumer problem, illustrating resolution with his product, and creating an irresistible offer, this early entrepreneur would measure his success by the total purchases.
You have 5 seconds to grab her attention and present a compelling case for more talk time or face the wrath of her trigger-happy finger.
This article, we'll look at log file statistic reports and three basic methods for measuring the effectiveness of your copy.
Make sure your in-house team or web design vendor works a few of these revenue-generating objectives into the strategic plan. Want that bonus and well-deserved promotion? Be sure to include all seven.
Now let's look at 7 cost-reducing objectives to help further your career with stock options, a company car, and a life-size bronze statue displayed in your conference room.