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Website Improvements

Not all struggling Websites need replacement. Improve problem areas before investing in a completely new website.

Call Rick Costello's direct line at 1 (630) 788-9969 for immediate website assistance or explore our customer breakthrough archives for past website improvements.

Until then, let's take a look at a simple analogy…

A salesman is constantly out in the field talking with prospective customers. He appears to be great at getting appointments.

After three weeks of routine evaluation, management discovers he's also great at gaining trust, using empathy and qualifying prospects. However, the salesman appears to be struggling with a very serious business challenge.

He cannot "close" the sale.

To maximize the salesman's profit potential, management must help him improve his closing ratio. This parallels most website problems. For example…

After routine evaluation, management identifies a major problem with the website's "contact us" form.

Proper analysis reveals almost perfect website performance: 90% of visitors pass the home page, 75% reach the contact form, but only 1% inquire.

This website appears to be struggling with the same very serious business challenge, it cannot capture a lead.

Before declaring the whole website useless, management should help it overcome the challenge of capturing a lead.

Not all struggling Websites need replacement.

How will you overcome your business challenges? Will you pay for a website redesign before trying to fix the real problem area? Contact us for a free consultation to see if we can improve your website and avoid a redesign.

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